Helpful Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets are a common tool for tracking a variety of things from money to sport team names. Below is where you'll find spreadsheets that are relevant to full time caravanning or caravanning in general. Not all Spreadsheets listed are done by me so Authors names have been added for their recognition.
PS: These spreadsheets work fine in Excel 2013 upwards but seem to give a error in early versions of openoffice ( version 3) will test with latest openoffice sometime soon.
Author = Larry
This spreadsheet is a budgeting sheet we use for keeping a eye on expenses and allows us to work out how much longer we can travel before finding income. Also has stats page and some other extras.
Feel free to use it. Instructions for its use are on the first page of the file.
This spreadsheet is awesome for getting a idea of what battery sytem and solar system will work for you. Just edit the details in the yellow cells to see the results. I've left our details in there for a starting point.
Author = Larry
This is a sample from the Travel expense sheet outlining our costs on the road for Dec 2016 can be used as a guide for pricing your own budget ?